Fill your dog's bowl with wholesome goodness when you choose this Purina Beyond Grain Free Alaskan Cod, Salmon & Sweet Potato Recipe Ground Entree adult wet dog food for his menu. We craft this high protein wet dog food with purposely selected, recognizable ingredients from our trusted sources. Line-caught Alaskan cod is the #1 ingredient in this tasty grain free wet dog food recipe with salmon and sweet potato that also contains natural prebiotic fiber. To meet your high standards, we make this dog food with fish responsibly sourced from fisheries that earn the MSC certification. Our pet nutritionists formulate this grain free natural dog food with added vitamins and minerals to deliver complete and balanced nutrition to help support your adult dog's long life. The high protein, grain free dog food recipe includes no corn, wheat, soy or poultry-by-product meal and no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, so he gets the nourishment he needs and nothing he doesn't.
High quality dog food made with natural prebiotic fiber
Line-caught Alaskan cod is the #1 ingredient in this grain free high protein dog food
Made with fish from MSC-certified fisheries along with sweet potato for a wholesome dog food
Natural grain free dog food with added vitamins and minerals and no poultry by-product meal, corn, wheat or soy and no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives
Good for your pet, Good for the planet. High quality dog food crafted in facilities where we're working on improvements in water use efficiency and waste reduction.